Audio Recordings of Samizu Matsuki. (mp3s)
Samizu Matsuki describes a vision she had in 1970, a waking dream that led her to produce one of her major oil painting -opia! 3 1/2 minutes. Recorded December 12, 2012.
Samizu Matsuki describes the painting of "Ah!" 4 minutes Recorded April 11, 2010
Samizu Matsuki describes the painting of "Still Life". 7 minutes. Recorded April 11, 2010
Samizu describes her painting: "Still Life". Recorded April 15, 1989
Samizu Describes the reasons for painting "Barbara and the Fortuneteller.
Samizu Matsuki describes the painting of "-opia!". 5min
NEW! Part 2 about "-opia!" 6 min See photo of Harlem ghetto area she took to paint from.
Samizu recounts life in 1962 as an Air Force bride and artist. 12 minutes.
Samizu recounts her first entry into New York in 1970 (rec'd 4/14/10) 4 minutes
Samizu Matsuki about being accepted to show works at the 1st International Art Show
Samizu Matsuki on her theory of painting, Recorded March 30th, 2008
5 minutes 30 seconds.
Samizu Matsuki interview 4/16/08 6 and one half minutes. Part 1 Describes her paint supplier; importance of using paints that meet the "Louvre standard" for paint quality that will last 5 centuries; contrasts Japanese and American minds and mindsets..
Samizu Matsuki interview4/16/08 Part 2. 6 and one half minutes. describes 1958 influence of French Academician painters on Japanese art education, how the methods of creating unique colors was kept secret by each artist from all but his or her disciple; the encyclopedia movement; how the mass production of art supplies, including the invention of artificial pigments of all colors, was an important moment in the history of art ; how art as part of general education began as a curriculum item in Japanese public schools, then as a discipline in Japan's universities. How, to be qualified for the Louvre, a painting's colors should be able to last 500 years. Recorded April 16, 2008, Rockland Maine.
Samizu playing organ at Maidstone Manor, Maryland1991 pt 1 (6 minutes) *** pt 2 (2min 31sec) ***
pt 3 2min 31 sec