
Various writings of artist Samizu Matsuki.

My Approaches to Painting. (8 page pdf) Edited 2011. By Samizu Matsuki


Earlier writings (Handwritten in English)

The Lights upon the Sea.
A tale of her life as eldest child of a war resister in northern Japan during World War 2. (12 pages)

A brief memoir 1943-1980.
From childhood in wartime Japan in the early 1940s to her departure from New York City for Japan in 1980. (15 pages)

On the painting of Triumphal Return
Samizu describes the reasons and techniques used in creating her award winning painting Triumphal Return

Intrigue at the United Nations.
A memoir of the Beautiful People of the early 1970s NYC art and diplomatic scenes.(17 pages)

The Robber Baron of Karma-Zoo Island
A play by Samizu Matsuki. (18 pages)